Murrup Biik - Spirit Country
Murrup Biik is the name the Wurrundjeri elders have granted as the name for the prayer and meditation space.
"Murrup" translates as spirit and "Biik" (pronounced "beak") means ground, earth, country, place. This name recognises the connection between spirit and this specific place designed for healing.
Murrup Biik provides a welcoming sanctuary for silence, prayer, contemplation or meditation for people of all religious traditions or none. It is designed to be inclusive of all people and is available to patients, families, visitors and staff. It is a peaceful place in which to re-group, re-connect or simply be.
Murrup Biik has four distinct spaces:
A Large inclusive open area - we call the "Sacred Space"
Outdoor meditation and peace garden with water feature
- A Christian prayer room
Muslim prayer space with washing facilities and prayer mats - separate Male and Female facilities
Murrup Biik is located on the Ground floor in the North Building, past the green lifts and past the café. It is on the right as you move toward the Family Hub, Starlight Room and Bean Bag Cinema.
What's On in Murrup Biik?
Prayer: Monday to Friday 9.15 - 9.30 am - Please note that due to COVID19 restrictions these sessions are not taking place, they will resume when it is safe to do so.
This is an informal time led by our Spiritual Care Team. This time may include reading of scripture, reflection and prayer. Family members, staff and visitors are all welcome.
Other Resources:
Resource materials are made available for family members and staff to use in the spaces or to take away with them for later use. Such resources include prayers, reflections and images.
Facility for people to write their own prayers in a prayer book is available or people may wish to write a prayer and place it in the prayer box provided.